Faffing with Fluff Exhibition opens 11 September

I am not a traditional felt maker. I want to play with textures and colours to create depth and intrigue. I am an Artisan Felter, creating paintings from wool inspired by nature and my wacky brain. I have been faffing with fluff for over a decade. 

This is my first solo exhibition and it will run from the 11th – 23rd of September at Victoria Hall in Oakham. I will be there everyday 10am-5pm, sometimes teaching, sometimes demoing and hopefully selling pieces too. 

The exhibition will feature new pieces like Spring Chorus, Through the Trees, To the Moon, and Echinacea. I will also hang my older work like Fox Portrait, Flower Outbreak and Lion. There will be stories of how I create my work, photos of my inspiration and examples of materials I use to create my work. 

During the exhibition I will be teaching mini taster workshops so that you can faff with fluff too! To see more about these head over to my workshop schedule. I will be demoing animal portraits, large flower meadows and the basics of wet felting during my fortnight there. 

On the weekend of 16 & 17 of September  I will also be taking part in Rutland Open Studios along with Connie, the potter who also has a studio at the hall. 

I look forward to welcoming you to my first solo exhibition. Victoria Hall is located at 39 High Street, Oakham LE15 6AH, parking is free on the street for an hour or closest car park is on Church Street. There is step free access to the gallery through the doors at the back of the hall, located on Church Street through the metal gates.


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